Kahn and Bell "It's Not Unusual"

It’s been just over a year since my 3rd solo exhibition, “It’s Not Unusual” was on at the Rag Market Birmingham. post exhibition, I’d been asked was I going to re-exhibit it. I had no firm plans, but I was delighted that people were sufficiently interested to want to see it again. One person suggested the V and A!

Over the past couple of months I have been in conversation with a curator from the National Trust in Hurst Street Back to Backs.

It looks like I’m doing a subsequent exhibition in May time next year.


The Kahn and Bell project

After a 3 1/2 year gestation, the homage to Patti Bell from the boutique Kahn and Bell got it’s public viewing at the St Martin’s Rag Market, Birmingham 27th-31st July. With the title “It’s Not Unusual”. I have uploaded some of the images from the book into the Events section for viewing. These images are available for purchase.

It was a very exciting week, as I’ve made some interesting new contacts and re-connected with old friends.

Due to post exhibition interest, I am in the process of looking for a new venue to re-exhibit.


Final days of 2020

Well only a couple of days until the end of 2020…I thought I’d mark this occasion by updating the website, with a new video on the home page and new content in most sections.

I’m being optimistic that 2021 will be a great improvement on this year.

Have a great New Year